We do not ask for membership dues or fees to use our systems. All systems are open to all licensed ham radio operators at no cost to them.
However, we do have expenses to maintain and improve these systems. Your contributions would be very much appreciated. We use all contributions to maintain and upgrade our systems. Click the PayPal link below if you are feeling generous and you'd like to help us maintan the best in digital radio communications.
All contributions will be eagerly accepted, and any amount you care to give would be most appreciated. Rest assured that any contributions you give will be spent wisely and the entire amount of your contribution will go our operating expenses. We are a Washington State Non-Profit Corporation. Use of any donated funds for any personal reason is prohibited by law.
Note that these funds will go to the bank account of the Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts non-profit corporation and will be used only for maintenance and upgrade expenses. There is no guarantee that these monies will be spent on any particular project, repeater or given to any affiliated repeater owner. Also note that 3 to 5 percent of your contribution using PayPal is kept by PayPal as a fee for their service. All monies contributed will be used soley at the discression of the Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts Officers.
You may also mail a personal check, made out to Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts, at our mailing address:
Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts
9721 S. Cheney St.
Cheney, WA 99004-9113
Some of the projects that we will use contributions for:
New 64-bit solid state D-STAR gateway computer (estimated at $500) to facilitate D-STAR G3 Software update in 2017.- Done. Thanks to Randy for contributions!Replacement Astron RS-35A power supply for D-STAR repeater. Used. (costs $110)- Done 12Jun17. Thanks to Jeff and John for contributions!
You can order a T-Shirt, Jacket, Hat or many other apperel items with the Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts logo. For example:

Click the image above to go to spreadshirt.com and get your own. You can choose from many different appearel items and you can also custiomize the item to include your callsign, Name, QTH, etc.